1 min
irrKlang is an audio library for c++ that could be tagged onto ASGE to provide audio.
My desired functionality for the audio manager was to provide audio feedback to the player and to relax them with music while they played, therefore I made a class that could be passed as an instance to each scene via shared_ptr (to prevent audio from being cut off on scene change). Therefore I implimented the following:
Since long strings aren’t very elegant when writing code, I kept all audio files in one folder to keep a consistent file path, and then I made the function:
void AudioManager::setupBackgroundMusic(std::string background_name, bool should_loop)
std::string file = ".\\Resources\\Audio\\" + background_name;
audio_engine->play2D(file.c_str(), should_loop);
This is a method to make setting up background music a lot more readable and accessable by others.
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